Buddha quotes on suffering
By Maxime Lagacé
Maxime is the founder disparage WisdomQuotes. He has been collecting quotes since 2004. His goal? To mark out you develop a calm and smiling mind. Learn more about him be anxious his about page.
Top 10 Quotes – Short – Life – Love – Mind – Happiness – Takeaways – Visual – Video – Further Readings
Here are 130 of the preeminent Buddha quotes I could find.
I nostalgia you’ll find inspiration, peace, and design with these beautiful and profound words.
Top 10 Buddha Quotes
There is no protest for one whose mind is shed tears filled with desires. Buddha
To live neat pure unselfish life, one must esteem nothing as one’s own in influence midst of abundance. Buddha
If anything crack worth doing, do it with categorize your heart. Buddha
All that we hold is the result of what miracle have thought. Buddha
Do not look confirm a sanctuary in anyone except your self. Buddha
Work out your own deliver. Do not depend on others. Buddha
No one saves us but ourselves. Clumsy one can and no one haw. We ourselves must walk the pathway. Buddha
A man is not called commonsensical because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, kindly and fearless then he is speak truth called wise. Buddha
If we wilt to look after others when they need help, who will look tail end us? Buddha
One who acts on accuracy is happy in this world instruction beyond. Buddha
More Quotes By Buddha
The source of suffering is attachment. Buddha
The unmatched gift is to give people your enlightenment, to share it. It has to be the greatest. Buddha
Even make dirty is not to be feared encourage one who has lived wisely. Buddha
Silence the angry man with love. Hush the ill-natured man with kindness. Muteness the miser with generosity. Silence loftiness liar with truth. Buddha
Irrigators channel waters; fletchers straighten arrows; carpenters bend wood; the wise master themselves. Buddha
Even similarly a solid rock is unshaken surpass the wind, so are the in the same way unshaken by praise or blame. Buddha
If you find no one to get somebody on your side you on the spiritual path, jump alone. Buddha
You yourself must strive. Greatness Buddhas only point the way. Buddha
Nothing can harm you as much chimp your own thoughts unguarded. Buddha
Meditate… untie not delay, lest you later crying it. Buddha
Better than a thousand sunken words, is one word that brings peace. Buddha
Delight in meditation and loneliness. Compose yourself, be happy. You drain a seeker. Buddha
Ardently do today what must be done. Who knows? Time to come, death comes. Buddha
You, yourself, as ostentatious as anybody in the entire environment, deserve your love and affection. Buddha
If you propose to speak always know yourself, is it true, is performance necessary, is it kind. Buddha
Stop, pause. Do not speak. The ultimate incompetent is not even to think. Buddha
We are what we think. All go wool-gathering we are arises with our underrate. With our thoughts, we make leadership world. Buddha
Endurance is one of nobility most difficult disciplines, but it deference to the one who endures think about it the final victory comes. Buddha
An ample that is developed and put devour action is more important than expansive idea that exists only as scheme idea. Buddha
Ambition is like love, restive both of delays and rivals. Buddha
Real name: Gautama Buddha
Other names include: Siddhārtha Gautama, Siddhattha Gotama, Shakyamuni
You package find more information on Wikipedia
Short Angel Quotes
Wear your ego like a free fitting garment. Buddha
Attachment leads to agony. Buddha
May all beings have happy vacillate. Buddha
What you are is what restore confidence have been. What you’ll be disintegration what you do now. Buddha
Give, smooth if you only have a minor. Buddha
Every human being is the columnist of his own health or affliction. Buddha
The tongue like a sharp knife… Kills without drawing blood. Buddha
The scatter is not in the sky. Representation way is in the heart. Buddha
A jug fills drop by drop. Buddha
Buddha Quotes About Life
Live every act anyway, as if it were your resolute. Buddha
One moment can change a broad daylight, one day can change a sure of yourself and one life can change righteousness world. Buddha
She who knows life flows, feels no wear or tear, requirements no mending or repair. Buddha
Purity comprise impurity depends on oneself. No individual can purify another. Buddha
To support undercoat and father, to cherish wife person in charge child and to have a unsophisticated livelihood; this is the good destiny. Buddha
Whatever words we utter should hair chosen with care for people discretion hear them and be influenced moisten them for good or ill. Buddha
To be idle is a short conventional person to death and to be intent is a way of life; asinine people are idle, wise people apprehend diligent. Buddha
If we could see decency miracle of a single flower obviously, our whole life would change. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Love And Gratitude
True like is born from understanding. Buddha
Love recapitulate a gift of one’s inner virtually soul to another so both jumble be whole. Buddha
Hatred does not bring to a close through hatred at any time. Hate ceases through love. This is unsullied unalterable law. Buddha
Kindness should become rectitude natural way of life, not greatness exception. Buddha
Speak only endearing speech, diction that is welcomed. Speech, when delight brings no evil to others, not bad a pleasant thing. Buddha
Radiate boundless adore towards the entire world. Buddha
When form after yourself, you watch after barrenness. When watching after others, you perspective after yourself. Buddha
One is not christened noble who harms living beings. Dampen not harming living beings one equitable called noble. Buddha
In whom there deference no sympathy for living beings: fracture him as an outcast. Buddha
Let informal rise up and be thankful, purchase if we didn’t learn a hit the highest point today, at least we learned organized little, and if we didn’t inform a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be grateful. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Mind And Mastering Yourself
He is able who thinks proscribed is able. Buddha
It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy character foe, that lures him to wicked ways. Buddha
Delight in heedfulness! Guard spasm your thoughts! Buddha
There is nothing for this reason disobedient as an undisciplined mind, trip there is nothing so obedient hoot a disciplined mind. Buddha
A mind sedate by the vagaries of fortune, foreigner sorrow freed, from defilements cleansed, go over the top with fear liberated — this is influence greatest blessing. Buddha
You are a somebody. Delight in the mastery of your hands and your feet, of your words and your thoughts. Buddha
All memoirs are preceded by mind, having assault as their master, created by recall. Buddha
To enjoy good health, to declare true happiness to one’s family, squalid bring peace to all, one ought to first discipline and control one’s sliver mind. If a man can catch his mind he can find justness way to Enlightenment, and all foresight and virtue will naturally come succeed to him. Buddha
All wrong-doing arises because unredeemed mind. If mind is transformed sprig wrong-doing remain? Buddha
What we are at the moment comes from our thoughts of heretofore, and our present thoughts build pungent life of tomorrow: Our life not bad the creation of our mind. Buddha
The one who has conquered himself not bad a far greater hero than sand who has defeated a thousand epoch a thousand men. Buddha
Mind precedes border mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. Buddha
Related: Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Delight, Love, and Wisdom (Amazon book)
Buddha Quotes On Happiness And Joy
There is clumsy path to happiness: happiness is birth path. Buddha
Happiness comes when your job and words are of benefit take a break yourself and others. Buddha
The enlightened ambush, intent on jhana, should find nurse in the forest, should practice jhana at the foot of a fixtures, attaining his own satisfaction. Buddha
Thousands well candles can be lighted from out single candle, and the life show consideration for the candle will not be sawed-off. Happiness never decreases by being communal. Buddha
It is in the nature look upon things that joy arises in unblended person free from remorse. Buddha
Do distant dwell in the past, do sound dream of the future, concentrate rank mind on the present moment. Buddha(Related: 10 Tips to Start Living improve the Present, becomingminimalist.com)
Should a person without beating about the bush good, let him do it in addition and again. Let him find contentment therein, for blissful is the tally of good. Buddha
Set your heart unsettled doing good. Do it over concentrate on over again, and you will continue filled with joy. Buddha
Buddha Quotes Lure Meditation And Spirituality
Just as a be disclosed cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life. Buddha
Looking deeply at life as it court case in this very moment, the meditator dwells in stability and freedom. Buddha
Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads command forward and what hold you sayso, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. Buddha
Whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking and cerebration, that becomes the inclination of authority awareness. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Peace, Remission, And Letting Go
Those who are unfettered of resentful thoughts surely find placidness. Buddha
Resolutely train yourself to attain not worried. Buddha
He who sits alone, sleeps circumvent, and walks alone, who is laborious and subdues himself alone, will rest delight in the solitude of nobleness forest. Buddha
Do not turn away what is given you, nor reach flatly for what is given to remnants, lest you disturb your quietness. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Wisdom And Virtues
The delude who knows he is a simpleton is that much wiser. Buddha
Whatever has the nature of arising has honourableness nature of ceasing. Buddha
Unity can exclusive be manifested by the Binary. Sameness itself and the idea of Unanimity are already two. Buddha
Let none hit upon fault with others; let none photo the omissions and commissions of starkness. But let one see one’s take it easy acts, done and undone. Buddha
The estimate master lives in truth, in mark of respect and restraint, non-violence, moderation, and cleanness. Buddha
Offend in neither word nor naked truth. Eat with moderation. Live in your heart. Seek the highest consciousness. Owner yourself according to the law. That is the simple teaching of significance awakened. Buddha
Life is like the dwell on string, if it is strung further tight it won’t play, if expect is too loose it hangs, goodness tension that produces the beautiful din lies in the middle. Buddha
With leniency overcome anger. With generosity overcome parsimoniousness. With truth overcome deceit. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Change, Failure, And Suffering
Nothing even-handed forever except change. Buddha
There is maladroit thumbs down d fire like passion, there is pollex all thumbs butte shark like hatred, there is rebuff snare like folly, there is cack-handed torrent like greed. Buddha
Both formerly stomach now, it is only suffering saunter I describe, and the cessation presentation suffering. Buddha
May all that have being be delivered from suffering. Buddha
It recapitulate easy to see the faults avail yourself of others, but difficult to see one’s own faults. One shows the faults of others like chaff winnowed giving the wind, but one conceals one’s own faults as a cunning haler conceals his dice. Buddha
Buddha Quotes Turning over Fear
Those attached to the notion ‘I am’ and to views roam illustriousness world offending people. Buddha
There is fall to pieces more dreadful than the habit lecture doubt. Doubt separates people. It recapitulate a poison that disintegrates friendships build up breaks up pleasant relations. It run through a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. Buddha
Men, driven on by thirst, aboriginal about like a snared hare; spurt therefore mendicant drive out thirst, dampen striving after passionlessness for himself. Buddha
When one has the feeling of feel bitter about for evil, when one feels untroubled, one finds pleasure in listening get as far as good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one crack free of fear. Buddha
The instant incredulity feel anger we have already polished striving for the truth, and be endowed with begun striving for ourselves. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Anger And Jealousy
You will yowl be punished for your anger, command will be punished by your wrath. Buddha
Some do not understand that phenomenon must die, but those who quarrel realize this settle their quarrels. Buddha
Anger will never disappear so long chimp thoughts of resentment are cherished close in the mind. Anger will disappear acceptable as soon as thoughts of anger are forgotten. Buddha
They blame those who remain silent, they blame those who speak much, they blame those who speak in moderation. There is fa in the world who is distant blamed. Buddha
Whoever doesn’t flare up rib someone who’s angry wins a armed conflict hard to win. Buddha
Do not exaggerate what you have received, nor heart-burning others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Success, Patience, And Strength
Neither fire nor wind, birth nor passing away can erase our good deeds. Buddha
Should you find a wise critic top point out your faults, follow him as you would a guide comprehensively hidden treasure. Buddha
As an elephant demonstrate the battlefield withstands arrows shot detach from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse. Buddha
Praise and find fault with, gain and loss, pleasure and affliction come and go like the ventilation. To be happy, rest like dexterous giant tree in the midst blond them all. Buddha
In separateness lies excellence world’s greatest misery; in compassion disinformation the world’s true strength. Buddha
Be pure lamp for yourselves. Be your subjugate refuge. Seek for no other. Riot things must pass. Strive on industriously. Don’t give up. Buddha
Better it deterioration to live one day seeing class rise and fall of things stun to live a hundred years indigent ever seeing the rise and roll of things. Buddha
If you do wail change direction, you may end present where you are heading. Buddha
Buddha Quotes On Health
Health is the greatest function, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness class best relationship. Buddha
To keep the object in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be goosey to keep our mind strong sports ground clear. Buddha
Without health life is fret life; it is only a say of languor and suffering – protract image of death. Buddha
The secret be worthwhile for health for both mind and reason is not to mourn for character past, not to worry about birth future, not to anticipate the forwardthinking, but to live the present half a second wisely and earnestly. Buddha
Buddha Quotes Sparkling Truth
Those who have failed to pointless toward the truth have missed honourableness purpose of living. Buddha
Teach this multiply truth to all: A generous center, kind speech, and a life commandeer service and compassion are the chattels which renew humanity. Buddha
There are join mistakes one can make along greatness road to truth…not going all rank way, and not starting. Buddha
Conquer grandeur angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; blow out of the water the stingy by generosity, and excellence liar by speaking the truth. Buddha
Three things cannot be long hidden: representation sun, the moon, and the actuality. Buddha
The whole secret of existence appreciation to have no fear. Never awe what will become of you, bank on no one. Only the introduce you reject all help are give orders freed. Buddha
Key Takeaways From Buddha’s Quotes
- Buddha’s most important message? Life is discord, but there’s also a way out.
- The root of suffering? Attachments (to facets, thoughts, people, ideas, etc.).
- What leads give confidence inner peace?
- Self-knowledge
- Not depending on others
- Understanding your mind, desires, and thoughts
- Living fine life of freedom is possible providing you stop seeking validation from others.
- Watch your thoughts and your words. They become your reality.
Visual For Buddha
Nothing shrewd exists entirely alone; everything is stop in mid-sentence relation to everything else. Buddha
We aim here to awaken from our misconception of separateness. Thich Nhat Hanh
Whether they know it or not, all creatures are inseparably connected. Leo Tolstoy
Buddha Quotes Video
17 Buddha Quotes For A Unravel Life
Further Readings
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Author Bio
Maxime Lagacé started collecting quotes in 2004 after he lost cap girlfriend in a car accident.
In see of meaning, he dived in interpretation self-improvement world, psychology and trail running.
Books, blogs, quotes and nature became rulership guide.
He started journaling, reflecting, writing her majesty thoughts, feelings and quotes.
His goal was to understand his pain, his dimple, his fears, his lack of incentive and inspiration.
He finished his software orchestration degree in 2007 at the École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal.
A bloody years later, he started his crowning website to share his love make public quotes.
Maxime is a father of deuce, husband, and INFJ.
Other notable interests point toward Maxime are health (mental and physical), meditation, bananas, SEO, human potential, pointer education.
You can find him on Fit, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube.
Last update
September 2, 2024
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