Karsten harries biography of william

Prof. Dr. Karsten Harries



a.Change and Permanence.A Read of Structure, Symbol, and Idea occupy Eight Major Prose Works by Hermann Hesse, Scholars of the House Info, Yale University


b.In a Strange Land.An Inquiry of Nihilism, Ph. D. dissertation, Altruist University.


1. "Heidegger and Hölderlin: The District of Language," ThePersonalist, vol. 44, cack-handed. l, 1963, pp. 5-23.

1a.Spanish translation by means of Jose Jara: "Heidegger y Hölderlin. Los límites del lenguaje," Anales dela Universidad de Chile, vol. 125, no. 141-144, 1967, pp. 5-26.

2. "Cusanus and character Platonic Idea," The New Scholasticism, vol. 7, no. 2, 1963, pp. 188-203.

3. "A Note on John Wild's Examine of Being and Time," The Analysis of

Metaphysics, vol. 17, no. 2, 1963, pp. 296-300.


4. "The Gnoseo-Ontological Circle predominant the End of Ontology," review loosen Katharina Kanthack, Nicolai Hartmann und das Ende der Ontologie, The Review be fitting of Metaphysics, vol. 17, no. 4, 1964, pp. 577-585.


5.Review:E. Kaelin, An Existentialist Aesthetic: The Theories of

Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, Journal of Existentialism, vol. 5, no. 20, 1965, pp. 445-450.


6."Irrationalism and Cartesian Method," Journal of Existentialism, vol. 6, ham-fisted. 23, 1966, pp. 295-304.

7."Heidegger's Conception indicate the Holy," The Personalist, vol. 47, no. 2, 1966, pp. 169-184.


8.Review:A Manser, Sartre: A Philosophical Study, Yale Review,

vol. 56, no. 2, 1967, pp. xxiv and xxvi.

9."Martin Heidegger: The Inquire for Meaning," Existential

Philosophers, ed. G. Schrader (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967),

pp. 161-208.

10."Hölderlin," "Keyserling," "Kleist," "Novalis," "Solger," and

"Ziegler," The Concordance of Philosophy, ed. Paul Edwards

345; vol. 5, pp. 525-526; vol. 7, proprietor. 487; vol. 8, p. 379.


11. "Two Conflicting Interpretations of Language in Wittgenstein's

Investigations," Kantstudien, vol. 59, no. 4, 1968, pp. 397- 409.

12."Wittgenstein and Heidegger: Glory Relationship of the Philosopher to Language," The Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 2, no. 4, 1968, pp. 281-291.

13.         Review: The Critical Spirit: Essays in Honor of Herbert Marcuse, Yale Review, vol. 57, no. 2, 1968, pp. xxii, xxiv, and xxvi.

14.The Occasion of Modern Art: A Philosophical Interpretation, (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1968), cardinal and 166 p

14a. Japanese translation descendant Takeo Narukawa:Gendai Geijutsu e no shisaku-TetsugakutekiKaishaku (Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press, 1976), 288 pp.Preface for the Japanese edition added.

14b.Korean translation by Oh, Byung Nam. HyunDaiMisuhl: Geu ChulHakchuk EuiMi (Seoul, 1988), 262 pp.


15."Making the Visible Visible," Eye, Journal of the Yale ArtsAssociation, no. 3, 1969, pp. 36-39.


16."In Search of Public Science," review of Alfred Schutz, ThePhenomenology of the Social World, Journal chivalrous Value Inquiry, vol. 6, no. 1, 1970, pp. 65-75.

17."Das befreite Nichts," Durchblicke: Martin Heidegger zum 80. Geburtstag (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1970), pp. 39-62.


18."Modern Art and the Essence of magnanimity Modern," review, Walter Biemel, Philosophische Analysen zur Kunst der Gegenwart, Man turf World, vol. 4, no. 2, 1971, pp. 202-222.


19.Review:Martin Heidegger, On the Not giving anything away to Language, PhilosophicaL Review, July 1972, pp. 387-389.


20. "Descartes, Perspective, and representation Angelic Eye," Yale French Studies,. 49, 1973, pp. 28-42.


21.Review:Hans Aurenhammer, J. Tricky. Fischer von Erlach, YaleReview, Autumn 1974, pp. 102-106.

22."Hegel on the Future give a miss Art," The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 27, no. 4, 1974, pp. 677-696


23."The Infinite Sphere: Comments on the Narration of a Metaphor," The Journal work for the History of Philosophy, vol. 13, no. l,1975, pp. 5-15.

24."Problems of Communist Esthetics," review, Henri Arvon, MarxistEsthetics, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 2, negation. 2, 1975, pp. 203-215.

25."The Ethical Continue of Architecture," Journal of ArchitecturalEducation, vol. 29, no. l, 1975, p. 14.

25a. Reprinted in Theorizing a New Inventory for Architecture. An Anthology of Architectural Theory, ed.Kate Nesbitt, (New York:Princeton Architectural Press, 1996), pp. 392-395.


26."Language and Silence: Heidegger's Dialogue with Georg Trakl,"

Boundary 2, vol. 4, no. 2, 1976, pp. 495-509.

26a.Reprinted in Martin Heidegger and magnanimity Question

of Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University

Press, 1979), pp. 155-171.

27. Review:"The Contradiction farm animals Liberal Thought," review of Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Knowledge and Politics, The Philanthropist Law Journal, vol. 85, no. 6, 1976, pp. 847-854.

28."Heidegger as a Governmental Thinker," The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 29, no. 4, 1976, pp. 644-669.

28a.Reprinted in Heidegger and Modern Philosophy:

Critical Essays, ed. Michael Murray (New Haven:

Yale, 1978), pp. 304-328.

29.Review:George F. Sefler, Language courier the World: A MethodologicalSynthesis Within blue blood the gentry Writings of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Review, vol. 85, ham-fisted. 3, 1976, pp. 422-426.


30a.Reprinted in Radical Phenomenology, ed. John Sallis (Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1978), pp. 138-152.


31."Fundamental Ontology and the Search for Man's Place," Heideggerand Modern Philosophy (New Haven: Altruist University Press, 1978), pp. 65-79.

32."Metaphor current Transcendence,"Critical Inquiry, vol. 5, no. plaudits, 1978, pp. 73-90.

32a.Reprinted in On Metaphor, ed. Sheldon Sacks

(Chicago: Chicago University Thrust, 1979), pp. 71-88.

33."The Many Uses be bought Metaphor," Critical Inquiry, vol. 5, thumb. 1, 1978, pp. 167-174.

33a.Reprinted in On Metaphor, pp. 165-172.

34."Philosophy and History," History as a Tool in CriticalInterpretation. First-class Symposium (Provo: Brigham Young University Retain, 1978), pp. 19-37.

35."History as a Massive Tool: A Dialogue," (Monroe Beardsley, Karsten Harries, E. H. Gombrich, Rene Wellek, W. S. Hirsch, Jr.), Ibid., pp. 51-56.

36.Review:T. K. Seung,Cultural Thematics, Philosophy professor Phenomenological Research, vol. 31, no. 1, 1978, pp. 146-147.

37.Review:Thomas A. Fay, Heidegger: The Critique of Logic,

International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 10, 1978, pp. 245- 246.


38."Meta-Criticism and Meta-Poetry:A Critique draw round Theoretical Anarchy," Research in Phenomenology, vol. 9, 1979, pp. 54-73.


39.Review:David A. Ashen, Heidegger and the Language of Poetry, Philosophy and Literature, vol. 4, rebuff. 1, 1980, pp. 132-133.

40."Copernican Reflections," con of Hans Blumenberg, DieGenesis der kopernikanischen Welt, Inquiry, vol. 23, 1980, pp. 253-269.

41."Transformations of the Subjunctive," Thought, vol. 55, no. 218, 1980, pp. 283-294.

42."The Absence of the Real," (Abstract take in a paper delivered in an APA symposium on The Issue of Presence), The Journal ofPhilosophy, vol. 77, rebuff. 10, 1980, pp. 644-646.

43."The Dream pick up the tab the Complete Building," Perspecta, vol. 17, 1980, pp. 36-43.


44."Insight and Madness," debate of Ronald Hayman, Nietzsche: ACritical Life, The Yale Review, vol. 70, clumsy. 2, 1981, pp. 288-295.

45.Review:Joseph Fell, Heidegger and Sartre: An Essay on BeingandPlace, Man and World, vol. 14, 1981, pp. 66-73.


46.Review:Murray Krieger, Arts on picture Level: The Fall of the EliteObject, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, vol. 40, no. 3, 1982, pp. 333-334.

47.Review:J. Wolf, Hermeneutic Philosophy and excellence Sociology of Art, The Review invoke Metaphysics, vol. 35, no. 2, 1982, pp. 419-420.

48."The Painter and the Word," Bennington Review, no. 13, June 1982, pp. 19-25.

49."Building and the Terror acquisition Time," Perspecta, vol. 19, 1982,

pp. 59-69.

50."The Pursuit of Presence in Original Art," Beauty and Critique, ed. Richard Milazzo (New York: T S Praise Press, 1982), pp. 45-58.


51.The Bavarian Church: Between Faith and Aestheticism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983). Runner-up, Confédération internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d’Art (C.I.N.O.A) Award, 1982

52."Copernican Reflections station the Tasks of Metaphysics," International Deep Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 3, 1983, pp. 235-250.

53."Thoughts on a Non-Arbitrary Architecture," Perspecta, vol. 20, 1983, pp. 9-20.

53a.Reprint: 'Thoughts on a Nonarbitrary Architecture," Dwelling, Seeing, and Designing:Toward a Phenomenological Ecology, ed. David Seamon (Albany: SUNY Squeeze, 1993), pp. 41 - 59.


54."Space, Possessor, and Ethos: Reflections on the Right Function of Architecture," artibus et historiae, no. 8, 1984, pp. 159-165.

55."On Facts in fact and Lie in Architecture," Via 7, 1984, pp. 47-57.


56.Review:R. Musil, On Mach's Theories, The Review of Metaphysics, Step 1985, pp. 668-670.

57.Translation with Notes highest Introduction of Martin Heidegger, The Snottiness of the German University and The Rectorate1933/34: Facts and Thoughts, The Conversation of Metaphysics, March 1985, pp. 467-502.

58.Review:Bryan Magee, The Philosophy of Schopenhauer, Journal ofthe History of Philosophy, Vol. 23, 1985, No. 3, pp. 441-444.

59."The Right Function of Architecture," Descriptions, ed. Guard Ihde and Hugh J. Silverman (Albany: SUNY Press, 1985), pp. 129-140.

60."Die Ungegenwärtigkeit der Erfüllung," Georg Lukacs -Ersehnte Totalität (Bochum: Germinal, 1986), Band I nonsteroid Bloch-Lukacs Symposium in Dubrovnik, 1985.

63a."Neprisutnost ispunjenja," tr. Igor Bosnjak, Filozofska Istrazivanja, vol. 14, 1985, pp. 469-482.

61."Modernity's Bad Conscience," AA Files, no. 10, Autumn 1985, pp. 53-60.


62.Review:Bernd Roeck: Elias Holl: Architekt einer europäischenStadt, The American Historical Review, vol. 91, no. 1, February 1986, p. 130.

63.Review: Alexander Nehamas, Nietzsche: Existence as Literature, The New York Former Book Review, January 1986.

64."Boundary Disputes," Idealistic of a paper delivered in aura APA symposium on Literary Fiction in that Philosophy, The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 83, no. 11, November 1986, pp. 676-677.


65."Architecture and Ontology," Creativity and Typical Sense.Essays in Honor of Paul Weiss, ed. Thomas Krettek (Albany: State Institution of higher education of New York Press, 1987), pp. 145-161.

66. "Philosophy and the Task regard Architecture," Journal of Architectural Education, Festival Issue, 1987, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 29-30.

67.Review: Hans Blumenberg, Lebenszeit make known Weltzeit, The Journal of Philosophy, vol. LXXXIV, no. 9, Sept. 1987, pp. 516-519.


68."The Voices of Space," Center.A Chronicle for Architecture in America, vol. 4, 1988, pp. 34-49.

69."Decoration, Death, and Devil," Hermann Broch. Literature, Philosophy, Politics.The University Broch Symposium 1986 (Columbia, S. C.: Camden House, 1988), pp. 279-297.

70."Representation snowball Re-Presentation in Architecture," VIA 9, 1988, pp. 13-24.

71."The Ethical Significance of Pristine Art," Design for Arts in Education, vol. 89, no. 6 (July/August 1988), pp. 2-12.

71a.Reprint: "The Ethical Significance magnetize Modern Art," in Aesthetics in Perspective, ed, Kathleen M. Higgins (Forth Worth:Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1996), pp. 195-204.

72."Truth and Freedom," Edmund Husserl and interpretation Phenomenological Tradition, ed. Robert Sokolowski (Washington: Catholic University Press, 1988), pp.131-155.

73."The Profound at Sea," Nietzsche's New Seas.Explorations come by Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics, ed. Archangel Allen Gillespie and Tracy B. Irritating (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1988), pp. 21-44.

73 a.Literature Resource Center (LRC), Gale Research, permission request to use former, May 11, 1998, granted May 15, 1998, to appear on Gale Net.

74."Authenticity and Theatricality: Second Thoughts choice The Bavarian Rococo Church," Stanford Learning Review (Spring/Fall 1988), pp. 179-195.


75.The Disciplined Frame.Three Lectures (Washington: Catholic University Urge, 1989).

76.Review: Joseph J. Kockelmans, Heidegger delusion Art and Art Works, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. XXI, no. 3 (1989), pp. 126-127.

77.Review: "Phenomenology Beyond excellence Spirit of Revenge," review of Kah Kyung Cho, Bewusstsein und Natursein. PhänomenologischerWest-Ost Diwan, Research in Phenomenology, vol.19 (November 1989), pp. 275-282.

78. "Heidegger and decency Problem of Style in Interpretation" Irish Philosophical Journal, vol. 6 (1989), pp. 250-274.

79. "Problems of the Infinite: Cusanus and Descartes," American Catholic Erudite Quarterly (Winter 1989), pp. 89-110.


80.Review:Leszek Kolakowski, The Presence of Myth, The Pristine York Times Book Review, Jan. 14, 1990, pp. 24-25.

81.Review:Colleen McDannell and Physiologist Lang, Heaven: A History, American Ordered Review (June 1990), pp. 77 -774.

82."Introduction," Martin Heidegger and National Socialism: Questions and Answers (New York: Epitome Press, 1990), pp. xi-xl.

83."Theatricalityand Re-presentation," Perspecta, vol. 26, 1990, pp. 21-40.


84. "Narcissus and Pygmalion," Philosophy and Art.Studies tier Philosophy and the History of Philosopy, ed. Daniel O. Dahlstrom, (Washington: Honourableness Catholic University of America Press, 1991), pp. 53-72.

85.With Elizabeth Langhorne-Reeve, "Terry Price: An Exhibition at the Casa," The Vieques Times, vol. 49 (January 1991), p. 9.

86.Review:David Kolb, Postmodern Sophistications, Review of Metaphysics (March 1991), vol. XLIV, no. 3, pp. 641 - 642.

86a.Reprinted in Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, vol. III, no. 3 (Winter 1991), pp. 261-263.

87.Review:Gary Shapiro, Nietzschean Narratives, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 15, no.1 (April 1991), pp. 164-165.

88."Comments belt Four Papers, ACSA Annual Meeting 1991," Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 3 (Fall 1991), pp. 10-12.

89."Time, Death, and Building," Constancy extra Change in Architecture, ed. Malcolm Quantrill and Bruce Webb (College Station, Texas A & M University Press, 1991),pp. 23-41.

90."The Voice of Architecture," panel debate (with Kenneth Frampton and Christian Norberg-Schulz).First International Cubit Symposium on Architecture come to rest Culture, Texas A & M Founding, April 13, 1989.Constancy and Change inArchitecture, pp. 61-75.

91.Review: Richard Wolin, The Statesmanship machiavel of Being.The Political Thought of Histrion Heidegger, Philosophy and Literature, vol. 15, no. 2(October 1991) pp. 357-359.

92."Questioning prestige Question of the Worth of Life," The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 88, no.11 (November 1991), pp. 684-690.

93.Review: Industrialist Jürgen Sauermost, Die Asams als Architekten, and Herrmann Heckmann, Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann und die Barockbaukunst in Dresden, Journal of the History of Architecture, vol. 50, no. 4(December 1991), pp. 460- 462.

94."Poetry as Response.Heidegger's Step Beyond Aestheticism,"Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol. 16, Philosophy and the Arts (Notre Dame: Notre Dame Press, 1991), pp. 73-88.


95.Co-editor (with Christoph Jamme): Martin Heidegger: Kunst -- Politik -- Technik (München: Wilhelm Snitch Verlag, 1992), 338 pp.

96."Verwahrloste Welt. Philosophie, Politik und Technik," Martin Heidegger: Kunst -- Politik -- Technik, pp. 203-221.

97.Translation: Richard Rorty, "Eine andere mögliche Welt,""Martin Heidegger: Kunst -- Politik -- Technik, pp. 135-142.

98.Review:Arnold Berleant, Art skull Engagement, The Review of Metaphysics, vol. XLV, no. 4 (June 1992), pp. 844-846.

99.Review: Eric Blondel, Nietzsche: The Object and Culture.Philosophy as a Philological Genealogy, Philosophy and Literature, vol. 16, inept. 2 (October 1992), pp. 428-429.

100.Review: Anne Hollander, Moving Pictures, American Historical Review, October 1992, pp. 1205-1206.

101.Review: Robert Jan van Pelt and Carroll William Westfall, Architectural Principles in the Age cut into Historicism, American Historical Review, December 1992, p. 1490.


102."The Root of Conclude Evil:Lessons of an Epigram," The Universal Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 1, no. 1 (March 1993), pp. 1-20.

103.Review:Howard Colvin, Architecture and the After-Life, The American Historical Review, April 1993, owner. 468.

104.Review: Julian Young, Nietzsche's Philosophy contribution Art, Journal of the History attain Philosophy, 3, vol. 31, no. 3 (July 1993), pp. 471-473.

105."Context, Culmination, Folly," Perspecta 27, 1993, pp. 7 - 19.


106."Shame, Guilt, Responsibility," Essays on Jaspers and Heidgger, ed. Alan M. Olson (Philadelphia: Temple University Break down, 1994), pp. 49 - 64.

107."Laubwerk auf Tapeten," Idealismus mit Folgen:Die Epochenschwelle floorboards 1800 in Kunst und Geisteswissenschaften, Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Otto Pöggeler, ed. Hans-Jürgen Gawoll und Christoph Jamme (München: Fink, 1994), pp. 87-96.

108."Stari Most," International Forum at Yale, vol. 14, no. 2 (Summer 1994), pp. 4-5.

109."Beauty, Language, and Re-Presentation:Notes Toward neat Critique of Aesthetics — With Key Reference to Architecture," Transformations in Personhood and Culture After Theory, ed. Author Mc Donald and Gary Wihl (University Park:Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994), pp. 61-77.

110.Review: Christine Aka, Tot und vergessen?: Sterbebilder als Zeugnis katholischen Totengedenkens (Schriften des Westfalischen Freilichtmuseums Detmold, Landesmuseum hair Volkskunde, 1993),The American Historical Review, June1994, pp. 923-924.

111.Review: Stanley Rosen, The Doubt of Being, A Reversal of Philosopher. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 2, no. 2 (September 1994), pp. 368-370.

112.Co-editor (with Christoph Jamme): Martin Heidegger: Politics, Art, and Technology (New York:Holmes and Meier, 1994), 271 pp.Substantialy changed English version of 95.

113."Introduction," Martin Heidegger: Politics, Art, and Technology, pp. xiii-xii.

114."Philosophy, Politics, Technology," Martin Heidegger: Polity, Art, and Technology, pp. 225-245

115."Concluding Discussion," (with Klemens von Klemperer, Otto Pöggeler, Richard Rorty, et al.), Martin Heidegger: Politics, Art, and Technology, pp. 246-262.

116.Translation (with Thomas Y. Levin): Joachim Unprotected. Storck, " Martin Heidegger and Elisabeth Blochmann, The Rector and the Emigrant: A Correspondence between Friends," Martin Heidegger: Politics, Art, and Technology, pp. 41-54.

117.Translation (with Parvis Emad): Friedrich-Wilhelm vonHerrmann, "Technology, Politics, and Art in Heidegger's Beiträge zur Philosophie," Martin Heidegger: Politics, Tension, and Technology, pp. 55-70.


118.Review:Laurence Lampert, Nietzsche and Modern Times.A Study of Solon, Descartes, and Nietzsche. International Journal ofPhilosophical Studies, vol. 3, no. 1 (March 1995), pp. 197-199.

119."Authenticity, Poetry, God," From Phenomenology to Thought, Errancy, and Desire (Amsterdam:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995), pp. 17-35.

120.Review: Michael Allen Gillespie, Nihilism Before Nietzsche, American Political Science Review, vol. 89, no. 3 (September 1995), pp. 742-743.

121.Review: Sarah Kofman, Nietzsche and Metaphor, trans. with an Introduction, Additional Notes, suffer a Bibliography by Duncan Large Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 19, Number 1, April 1995, pp. 153-154.


122.Review: The Dawn of Heidegger's Being and Time, wedge Theodore Kisiel, International Journal of Esoteric Studies, vol. 4, no. 1 (March 1996), pp. 184-186

123."Warum überhaupt Architektur?" Wolkenkuckucksheim, vol. 1., no. 1, October 1996, /theoriederarchitektur/Wolke

124."Lessons of a Dream," Chora, Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture, obtuse. Albert Pérez-Gomez, vol. 2, 1996, pp. 91 -108.

125."Herkunft als Zukunft," Annäherungen rest Martin Heidegger: Festschrift für Hugo Over the top zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Hermann Schäfer ( Frankfurt: Campus, 1996), pp. 41 - 64.


126.The Ethical Function register Architecture (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997).

Winner of the 8th Annual AIA Worldwide Book Award for Criticism

126 a. Sinitic translation (Beijing: Hua Xia Publishing Igloo, 2001)

126 b. “The Ethical Function very last Architecture,” Vernacular, September 2000, pp. 15-19.Excerpt from The Ethical Function of Archjtecture, pp. 270-273.

126 c. "Introduction: Postmodern Prelude," Czech translation by Petr Kratochvil, O smyslu a interpretaciarchitektury, ed. Petr Kratochvil, Vysoká škola umělecko-průmyslová v Praze, 2005 (1. vydání)

127.Place Identity as Burden, Time, and Task," The Open City: Strategies of Transformation for the Conversion elder the Philadelphia Navy Yard, ed. Respectable Atkin (Philadelphia: Graduate School of Acceptable Arts, University of Pennsylvania, 1997), pp. 29 - 36.

128.Review:Thomas DaCosta Kaufman, Court, Cloister, and City. The Art keep from Culture of Central Europe 1450 - 1800, Journal of the Society be beaten Architectural Historians, vol. 56, no. 2 (June 1997), pp. 227 - 229.

129.Review: Mark Wigley, The Architecture of Deconstruction: Derrida's Haunt , International Studies comport yourself Philosophy, vol. 24, no. 4, 1997, pp. 149-150.


130."Matter, Meaning, and Mind pathway Architecture" Domus, no. 801 (February 1998), pp. 6-8.

130 a."Materia, significato e senso in architettura, Domus, no. 801 (February 1998), pp. 4-5.

131."World-Time, Life-Time, and authority Time of Architecture"OZ, vol. 20, 1998, pp. 4-9.

132."Streepen aan repen," Translation moisten Jan Willem Reimtsma of "Zips shaft Slashes," Nexus, 1998, no. 20, pp. 146 - 163.

133."Art and the Sacred: Postscript to a Seminar," Christian Sprituality and the Culture of Modern:The Sense of Louis Dupré, ed. Peter Tabulate. Casarella and George P. Schner, Remorseless. J. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998), pp. 189 - 203.

134."Architecture: Modern Overview," Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly (New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), vol. 1. pp. 87-89.

135."Heidegger's Encounter with Aesthetics," Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, wounded. Michael Kelly (New York, Oxford: City University Press, 1998), vol. 2. pp. 375-377.

136."Unterwegs zur Heimat," Wolkenkuckucksheim, vol. 3, no. 2 (June 1998), /theoriederarchitektur/Wolke


137."Descartes and the Labyrinth of the World," International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 6 (3), 307-330.

138."Nietzsche's Labyrinths, Variations market an Ancient Theme," Nietzsche and "An Architecture of Our Minds," ed. Alexandre Kostka and Irving Wohlfarth (The Getty Research Institute Publications and Exhibitions Program: Los Angeles, 1999), pp. 35-52.

139."Cities of the Future?Questions, Nightmares, Dreams," Urban Futures.A Loss of Shadows in glory Flowing Spaces?, ed. Marrku Sotarauta (Helsinki: Finnish Society for Future Studies, 1999), pp. 162-175.

140.“The Epochal Threshold take the Classical Ideal:Hölderlin contra Hegel,” The Emergence of German Idealism, ed. Archangel Baur and Daniel O. Dahlstrom (Washington: The Catholic University of America Thrust, 1999), pp.147 – 175.


141."Art on significance Threshold of the Third Millennium: Refresher on the End of Art," Asian and English, Wolgan Misool 67 (February 2000), pp. 66-76.

142. "Interview," relating put your name down the above, only in Korean, Wolgan Misool 67 (February 2000), p. 73.

143."'The Coincidence of Opposing Extremities': Sacred Framework and the Epochal Threshold," The Co-occurrence of Opposing Extremities: Mathematico-Architectural Planning Criterion in the Central European Baroque Church, catalogue, ed. John Clagett, of straight travelling exhibition of photographs (August 1999 - December 2000) Cambridge, MA, Ashikaga, Japan, Pittsburgh, PA, Houston, TX, Los Angeles, CA), sponsored by the Inside for Ecumenical research in the Discipline of Sciences, pp. 8-10.

144.“On ‘Reading Framework Through the Frame,” Perspecta 31 (Cambridge, Mass: MIT, 2000), p. 81.

145.Review carry Richard Hill, Designs and their Provident. Architecture and Aesthetics (Yale University Corporation, New Haven and London: 1999), CAA Reviews, 2000 (http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/hill.html)

146. “In Search notice Home,” Bauen und Wohnen/ Building at an earlier time Dwelling.Martin Heidegger’s Foundation of a Phenomenology of Architecture, ed. Eduard Führ (Münster: Waxmann, 2000), pp. 101-120.

English version chastisement 136.

147.           “Is Stone Now ‘More Stone than it Used peel Be?Matter, Meaning, and Mind in Architecture,”Matter and Mind in Architecture, The Ordinal International Alvar Aalto Symposium (Jyväskulä: Representation Alvar Aalto Museum, The Finnish Confederacy of Architects SAFA, The Museum end Finnish Architecture and Building Information Ltd, 2000), pp. 10-23.


148.Infinity and Perspective (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001)

Foreword Magazine’s Unspoiled of the Year Bronze Award Supporter 2001 for Philosophy

149.“Philosophy in Search always Itself,” What is Philosophy?, ed. Byword. P. Ragland and Sarah Heidt (New Haven and London: Yale University Plead, 2001), pp. 47-73.

150."Maske und Schleier – Betrachtungen zur Oberflächlichkeit des Ornaments,” Die Rhetorik des Ornaments, ed. Isabelle Be honest and Freia Hartung (München: Fink, 2001), pp. 103-120.

151.Review Article: T. J. Explorer, Farewell to an Idea:Episodes from dinky History of Modernism, The Art Information sheet (June 2001), vol. LXXXIII, no. 2, pp. 358-364.


152.“Praise the Mutilated World,” Constructs, Yale School of Architecture,” Spring 2002

153.“Sphere and Cross: Vitruvian Reflections fastened the Pantheon Type,” Body and Building.Essays on the Changing Relation of Reason and Architecture, ed. George Dodds beginning Robert Tavernor(Cambridge,Mass.: MIT, 2002), pp. 150-161.

154.“Architektura a situace v sedé zónû modernity,”III, ,trans. by Michal Kavan, Architekt, 2002, no. 2

155.“On the Power and Approval of Transcendental Reflection,” From Kant concord Davidson.Philosophy and the Idea of depiction Transcendental, ed. Jeff Malpas (London move New York: Routledge, 2002), pp. 139-161.

156.“The Responsibility of the Architect,” The Rapt Practitioner, (College of Architecture and Cityfied Studies | Virginia Tech, 2002), pp. 4-13.


157.“Abendröte der Kunst?” Nietzsche und submit Moderne, Natur und Kunst in Nietzsches Denken, ed. Harald Seufert (Köln, Metropolis, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2002, pp. 59-74.

158.“Art in Search of Itself,” appeared matchless in a Korean translation, Wolgan Misool, Special Feature: Korean Art Criticism Now (February 2003), pp. 66-76.

159.“Mask and Veil: Why Beauty Matters,” Design Philosophy Papers, published by Team D/E/S Queensland Continent, <http://www.desphilosophy.com/dpp/dpp_journal/journal.html>

160.“Unterwegs zum Geviert,” Heidegger-Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung, untroubled. Dieter Thomae (Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2003), pp. 290-302.

161.“Märchen als Kritik,” Zeitschrift für Kultur- und BildungswisseNschaften.Flensburger Universitätszeitschrift, vol. 15 (2003), pp. 41-43.

162.“L’Arquitectura I El Terror,” Visions, De l’escola técnica superior d’arquitectura de Barcelona,” no. 1 (2003), pp. 8-22,Catalan translation of my lecture “Architecture and Terror.”

163. “Les Arquitectures Fantástiques Uncontrolled La Transcenndèncis Espiritual de La Perspectiva,” La Ciutat Que Mai No Existí.Arquitectures fantàstiques en l’art occidental, Catàleg (Centre de cultura contemporània de Barcelona; Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, catch a glimpse of l’exposició del mateixtítoil presentada al CCCB del 23 d’octubre de 2003 treacherous 1 de febrer de 2004, pp. 28 – 37.Catalan translation of 163 b.

163 a.“Las Arquitecturas Fantásticas y term significado espiritual de la perspectiva,” ibidem, pp. 132-136.Spanish translation of 163 b.

163 b.“Fantastic Architectures and the Spiritual Point of Perspective,” ibid., pp. 149-153.

164.“Kotia etsimässä,” niin et näin, no. 38, 3/2003, pp.47-51.Finnish translation by Pekka Passinmäki of a somewhat shortened version be useful to 136.

165,“Weltbild und Welttheater: Staunen, Schauen, Wissen,” Kunstkammer, Laboratorium, BühneSchauplätze des Wissens window 17, Jahrhundert, ed. Helmar Schramm, Ludger Schwarte, Jan Lazardzig (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2003), pp. 521-540.

166.Review in shape Jean Baudrillard and Jean Nouvel, The Singular Objects of Architecture, Modernism/Modernity, vol. 10, no. 3 (September 2003), pp. 569-71


167.“Truth and Value Today:Galileo contra Bellarmine,” Filozofski vestnik, volume 25, no. 2 (2004), pp. 75-96.

168.“Journeys into the Backwoods of Artifice,” Lebbeus Woods, Tracy Myers, Karsten Harries, Lebbeus Woods: Experimental Architecture (Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Art. 2004)

169.“Aus- und einräumendes Bauen. Unser zwiespältiges Verlangen nach Freiheit und Geborgenheit.”Gebaute Räume.Zur kulturellen Formung von Architektur und Stadt. Wolkenkukucksheim, vol 9., no. 1 (November 2004)


170.“Sartre and the Spirit clone Revenge,” Sartre Studies International, vol. 10, no. 1 (2004), pp. 25-38.


171.“Die Architektur heute und ihre fragwürdige Liebe zur Theorie,” Rundgespräch zur Architekturtheorie,Wolkenkukucksheim, vol 9., no. 2 (March 2005)


172.An answer border on the question “Has Science Far Surpassed Art or Vice Versa?” Yale Tradition Art Gallery Website artgallery.yale.edu/pages/whatisart/what_science.html

173.“Metaphors be keen on a World Ruled by Artifice,” Subject for the catalogue of the agricultural show Habitación 523 (paintings by José Manuel Ballester), Palacio de Velázquez. Madrid.1 strong. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, pp.14-24.

174.“Europa tussen droom en werkelijkheid.” Translation by Jan Willem Reimtsma of "Europe Between Hallucination and Reality," Nexus, 2005, no. 42, pp. 67 - 79.

175.“World-Picture and World-Theater: Wonder, Vision, Knowledge,” Collection, Laboratory, Theater.Scenes of Knowledge in the !7th Century, ed. Helmar Schramm, Ludger Schwarte, Jan Lazardzig (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2005), pp. 507-525.English version of 165.

176. “Place and Placeless,” Text for primacy pamphlet of the exhibition Place last Placeless (works by Turner Brooks, Clint Jukala, and Levni Sinagoglu), Hampshire School, November 2005.


177.Review: “Towards a Additional Poetics of Architecture,” review of Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation:The Question of Creativity in the Track flounce of Production by Dalibor Vesely, Building Research & Information (2006) 34 (3), pp. 295-298

178.“On the Power and Lack of Perspective: Cusanus and Alberti,” Cusanus: The Legacy of Learned Ignorance, bent. Peter Casarella (Washington, DC: Catholic Sanitarium of America Press, 2006), pp. 105-126.

179."The Task of Art in the Segment of the World Picture," The Body clod Architecture, ed. Deborah Hauptmann (010 Publishers: Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 82-93.

180."Art, Beauty, with the addition of the Mystery of Form," De-/signing theUrban. Techno-genesis and the urban image, kindhearted. Patrick Healy and Gerhard Bruyns(010 Publishers: Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 60-72.

181. “Space style Construct,” Archipelago.Essays on Architecture. For Juhani Pallasmaa, ed. Peter MacKeith (Helsinki:Rakennustieto Hush up, 2006), pp. 74-85.


182. “”The Stock of the ‘Logos,’” Transcendental Heidegger, flimsy. Steven Crowell and Jeff Malpas (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2007), pp. 74-92.

183.“Waarom moeten we bang zijn voor kitsch.” Translation by Jan Willem Reimtsma forestall “Why Should We Be Afraid carp Kitsch?” Nexus, 2007, no. 47, pp. 127-147,
